My body transformation/recomposition (1) – the before photos

Originally written and posted in April 9, 2017 in a fitness facebook group I created in 2017. I’ve edited the post to be more concise and authentic.

My analysis of what I saw

There’s like zero muscle definition anywhere. Yea my arms are pretty big, but that’s it. I’m very round all over. My back has zero muscle, it’s just there. I don’t like the way my chest looks. I don’t think I have abs which suggested to me that I have a good chunk of body fat that I need to shed off.

Physical issues that may impact my journey

From my football days I developed a bad back and some knee and shoulder problems. In college my lower back would often get tired as I walked out and about on campus and would dread walking long distances because I knew my back would hurt. I saw a chiropractor about this when in college and he recommended that I develop my core muscles. I nodded in a agreement and left happy that I had something I could do to help my situation but I never worked on my abs throughout my 4 years of college :). I hypothesize that improving my fat to muscle ratio to skew more heavily on the muscle side will reduce my back pain.

I’m not sure what I’m going to do about my shoulder and knee problems so I’ll figure that out as I go.

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