My body transformation/recomposition (3) – Breakthrough Coffee meeting with COMPETING bodybuilder BK

Originally written and posted in April 10, 2017 in a fitness facebook group I created in 2017. I’ve edited the post to be more concise and authentic.

We scheduled the meeting for Saturday afternoon. I was well-prepared. I packed my laptop, brought my notebook, grabbed 3 back-up pens, and bought a back-up laptop battery. Lol jk. But I really thought this meeting was going to be the meeting that would answer all my questions. The meeting started off in a manner I liked. I told him everything I was confused about and what I was hoping to learn. Then it became his turn to take the floor. When he first started talking, I was voraciously taking notes on my laptop but the moment he started talking about hormones, it was all over. The whole time I was like “yea, yea, that makes sense.” In fact, I probably nodded my head a million times. But the reality is I understood about 10% of everything he talked about. I started to get down on myself. “Wow, I really know nothing.”

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