rESEARCH aREAS & mission

My mission

I want to end self-inflicted suffering that manifests as negative emotions and/or behaviors that don’t align with one’s short-term or long-term goals. I want to help people understand and see what’s holding them back from living in a way they’re satisfied with. I want to provide solutions to help people shift out of suffering and live according to their uniqueness and internal desires with emotional fortitude.

One of the primary ways I accomplish this mission is helping people understand and pursue inner peace.

Research areas/Problems I’m currently solving

These tend to match the problems I help people solve with my services and content.

  • Deprogram myself to become an independent and objective thinker that doesn’t hold or live by societal conditioning and beliefs I disagree with.
  • How to recognize and fearlessly use my internal desires–free of societal influence–to set my goals and drive my decisions and actions.
    • Henry David Thoreau’s paraphrased quote: “March to the beat of your own drum” is another way to describe this goal.
  • How to live without making myself feel bad for anything I do and extend this grace to humanity. Some may call this radical self-acceptance, and it doesn’t mean I won’t try my best when doing things or continue improving myself.

Why I’m doing this consulting and coaching work

I want to help people solve problems that a) I’ve already solved for myself or others or b) I’m intrinsically interested in solving. I want to establish this value exchange in a mutually beneficial manner.

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