
Becoming a force – The end state

Although I believe that improving your anxiety and mental health has inherent benefits like more internal peace, I do what I do so people can also become forces. A force is someone who lives in alignment with who they are. By this, I mean they know their likes, dislikes, and the problems they truly care …

Becoming a force – The end state Read More »

What is a belief?

Something that is accepted, considered to be true, or held as an opinion. Merriam-Webster Dictionary The word “belief” is just a way to label and describe what we think is true. For example, believing the world is flat means a person thinks that’s true. To disagree with that assertion is to say you don’t think …

What is a belief? Read More »

June 5 – June 11 Recap: Notable Answers to questions and shared perspectives from me

This post contains questions I’ve answered and perspectives I’ve shared during the week of June 5- June 11. Some of my responses are short while others are more detailed and contain more back and forth engagements.

Topics: Some beliefs that fuel loneliness and the fear of being alone, being a contrarian thinker, risks of relying on lust & attraction for non-platonic relationships

Why it may be wise to be skeptical of people who claim to have all the answers

Concepts discussed: Dr. Yeomans is a psychiatrist that in the video below provides a perspective of why people join or follow narcissistic cultures and individuals. The video also speaks to the challenges one faces when leaving such structures. A lot of the video revolves around belief systems which makes sense if you’ve ever observed how …

Why it may be wise to be skeptical of people who claim to have all the answers Read More »

A reason why people don’t take advice from you/others and suggestions for fixing that

Concepts discussed in this post: self-trust Terms used: Instagram video The psychologist in the below instagram video describes what I’d call the “let me help you” behavioral pattern of trying to course correct–typically with positive intent–someone engaging in some kind of pursuit or activity without their consent. Advice givers who have past experience with the …

A reason why people don’t take advice from you/others and suggestions for fixing that Read More »

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