
June 5 – June 11 Recap: Notable Answers to questions and shared perspectives from me

This post contains questions I’ve answered and perspectives I’ve shared during the week of June 5- June 11. Some of my responses are short while others are more detailed and contain more back and forth engagements.

Topics: Some beliefs that fuel loneliness and the fear of being alone, being a contrarian thinker, risks of relying on lust & attraction for non-platonic relationships

How gratitude and contentment can help you fearlessly pursue what you want

Concepts discussed: fearlessness If you’re coming from my Instagram post feel free to jump straight to the story section of this article. If you’re new to this article I encourage you to watch the Instagram video and read the caption where I share thoughts on how I think Lebron used gratitude and contentment to handle …

How gratitude and contentment can help you fearlessly pursue what you want Read More »

Some aspects of your perfectionism may be due to social programming

Concepts discussed: perfectionism I think that perfectionism tendencies–at least some–are internalized rules/beliefs from authority figures, experts, “gurus”, etc that one thinks they must live by. I’ve read or heard someone people deem successful giving the advice of “never quit” and listeners tend to agree. If one isn’t aware that such a blanket statement doesn’t make …

Some aspects of your perfectionism may be due to social programming Read More »

Some people suggest that imposter syndrome is a positive but is it?

Concepts discussed in this post: imposter syndrome Some people and entities like the article in the below instagram post may assert that having imposter syndrome is a benefit. Rather than accept this perspective I’d encourage anyone to self-analyze and determine for his or herself if having imposter syndrome is a benefit. I’ve had imposter syndrome …

Some people suggest that imposter syndrome is a positive but is it? Read More »

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