
Understand outside influence: Documentary describing how and why businesses and govt entities started using marketing and advertising to influence the public – Summary included

What the documentary is This documentary breaks down how marketing industry leveraged psychology to create a consumer culture that gets people to use material things to satisfy emotional needs. This way of being can make someone add an unconscious layer of stress by striving for things one incorrectly thinks he/she needs to feel satisfied with …

Understand outside influence: Documentary describing how and why businesses and govt entities started using marketing and advertising to influence the public – Summary included Read More »

Why it may be wise to be skeptical of people who claim to have all the answers

Concepts discussed: Dr. Yeomans is a psychiatrist that in the video below provides a perspective of why people join or follow narcissistic cultures and individuals. The video also speaks to the challenges one faces when leaving such structures. A lot of the video revolves around belief systems which makes sense if you’ve ever observed how …

Why it may be wise to be skeptical of people who claim to have all the answers Read More »

Some people suggest that imposter syndrome is a positive but is it?

Concepts discussed in this post: imposter syndrome Some people and entities like the article in the below instagram post may assert that having imposter syndrome is a benefit. Rather than accept this perspective I’d encourage anyone to self-analyze and determine for his or herself if having imposter syndrome is a benefit. I’ve had imposter syndrome …

Some people suggest that imposter syndrome is a positive but is it? Read More »

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