
Why anxiety is caused by information in our brains

Our brains have the ability to store information Neuroscience has shown that our brains have the ability to store information. For example, if we’ve never seen a tennis ball, we may be unable to identify one. However, after learning what a tennis ball is, we’ll be able to recognize tennis balls for the rest of …

Why anxiety is caused by information in our brains Read More »

Where do our thoughts come from?

In cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which is an evidence-based therapeutic modality for reducing anxiety, core beliefs are thought to underlie automatic thoughts. Interestingly, I’d argue that beliefs are thoughts we’ve decided to “install” in our brains to help us process life. Julie Simmons, a licensed therapist, explains this point below: As such, beliefs are thoughts …

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Illustration of how & why we get emotional

Illustration: Before self-reflection – These are a few reasons why a particular person may get anxious Note: The individual may not know they think in this manner and that this way of thinking (these beliefs) can be changed.   After self-reflecting on why they get emotional  The individual identified and dropped the belief that they should …

Illustration of how & why we get emotional Read More »

Understand outside influence: Documentary describing how and why businesses and govt entities started using marketing and advertising to influence the public – Summary included

What the documentary is This documentary breaks down how marketing industry leveraged psychology to create a consumer culture that gets people to use material things to satisfy emotional needs. This way of being can make someone add an unconscious layer of stress by striving for things one incorrectly thinks he/she needs to feel satisfied with …

Understand outside influence: Documentary describing how and why businesses and govt entities started using marketing and advertising to influence the public – Summary included Read More »

Do you need to be in relationship w/others to emotionally heal or be ok with YOURSELF? I say no and Miley Cyrus seems to agree as well

This post would likely be of interest to: single people uncomfortable with their singleness, people that want to leave a relationship but fear doing so, people that think being in a relationship is “better” than being single….this isn’t an exhaustive list so there may be other audiences interested in this content

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